Privacy Policy

Electronic Communications and Transactions Act 25 of 2002 (“The Act”)

The above mentioned Act requires that we as suppliers of goods and/or services for sale by way of an electronic transaction on our website must make the following information available to you our valued customer:

Full Name and Legal Status: Snow Wolf Clothing (PTY) Ltd, is a private registered company, retailing in clothing and footwear.
Physical address and contact number, this also being the address we hold for receipt of legal service of documents as well as our place of registration: Bakertilly, 21 the broads Mulbartons, Johannesburg, Gauteng 2059.

Our Website and e-mail address: and

Use of Snow Wolf Clothing Website and Social Media platforms
Snow Wolf Clothing is active on Facebook, Instagram and other social media platforms.

You agree to use the Website for lawful purposes only.
You are prohibited from posting or transmitting, by means of reviews, comments, suggestions, ideas, questions or other information through the Website and Social Media Platforms, any content which is unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, sexually explicit, profane or amounts to hate speech, or racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable content of any kind, which content includes but is not limited to: content that may fall within the scope of Section 9 of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, which prohibits discrimination on the grounds of, inter alia, race, sex, gender, marital status, religion; or content that encourages conduct that would constitute a criminal offence or give rise to civil liability, or otherwise violate any applicable local, provincial, national, or international law; or content that constitutes an invasion of privacy; or
content that is an infringement of any intellectual property right; or
content that contains software viruses; or content that constitutes a political statement, commercial solicitation, or “Spam”.

Although we do not claim to review (nor are we under any obligation to review) any submitted content, we reserve the right to remove any content from the Website and Social Media Platforms where we deem such content, in its sole and absolute discretion, to be an infringement of this clause or harmful in anyway whatsoever. Should you place on or submit to the Website or Social Media Platforms any such harmful content or should you breach any clause in these T&Cs, we may immediately terminate and/or suspend your access to all or parts of the Website or Social Medial Platforms, without any further notice to you.
You also warrant that your identity (in other words, you are who you say who you are), and that you can prove your identity should we require you to do so. No person, business or website may use any robot, spider, links, mirror or other automatic device or technology, or manual process to monitor, copy or to glean information from this Website or Social Media Platforms or for the collection or use of any listings, descriptions, and/or price lists from the Website or Social Media Platforms for the benefit of a competing merchant that supplies products comparable to those offered on the Website without permission from Snow Wolf Clothing.

You may not in any way display, publish, copy, print, post or otherwise use the Website and/or the information contained therein without the express prior written consent of an authorized company representative.


Applicable Law
This Website is controlled, operated and administered from the Republic of South Africa. As such, it is governed by South African legislation. Access to the Website, from territories or countries where the Content or purchase of the products sold on the Website is illegal, is prohibited. You and Snow Wolf Clothing are hereby subject to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the High Court of South Africa.
Each and every section of these terms and conditions must be read as individual and separable from the rest of the terms and conditions.
Should any court or qualified authority find that any of the terms are invalid or unenforceable then the remainder of these terms and conditions will remain standing, despite invalidity or unenforceable of an individual term. These Terms and Conditions constitute the entire agreement between Snow Wolf Clothing and the User/Customer with regards to the use and content of this Website.


Copyright and other Intellectual Property Rights
Any and all copyright relating to the website, including these terms and conditions, data, software, icons, texts, graphics, images, video clips, sound clips, names, logos, trade-marks, designs which are displayed on or incorporated in this Website are protected by law, including but limited to copyright and trade mark law. The Website content is the property of Snow Wolf Clothing and is licensed to Snow Wolf Clothing.
Snow Wolf Clothing reserve the right to make any changes to the Website, the content, or to products and/or services offered through the Website at any time and without notice. Any use, distribution or reproduction of the Website Content is prohibited unless expressly authorized in terms of these by an authorized representative of Snow Wolf Clothing or otherwise provided for in law.

Availability and Termination

We will use reasonable endeavours to maintain the availability and functionality of the Website. Snow Wolf Clothing may in its sole discretion and without any prior notification suspend or terminate the operation of the Website or any of its content subject to us processing any orders then already made by you. In the event of scheduled maintenance, we reserve the right to discontinue providing the Website without providing any prior notice to you.


Company Details

Snow Wolf Clothing (PTY) LTD,

Reg no : 2020/895366/07

Telephone Number: +27 66 237 3756

Website Address: